HYPOTHESIS OF THE ATOMIC LIFE Abstract .- The elementary particles that form atoms and molecules in certain environments can behave as autonomous entities, changing without external intervention the force fields that they generate and their own wave mechanics. In a sense, one could say that they are alive. Based on this hypothesis is explained the origin of life, the anthropic principle, the two-slit experiment, the matter-antimatter asymmetry, the chirality of the molecules of life and the existence of nanobes and life not DNA based.
Seeing the incredible complexity of the molecular machinery that supports life, it shows the difficulty to prove that evolution alone, was able in any way of generating the macromolecules, systems, and cycles of enzymatic reactions, that are the basis of the existence of living beings. How could arise ex nihilo the chemical, molecular structures, the atomic whole tissue of proteins which sustain life?
For many years science has tried to form spontaneously in the laboratory life, from its basic components and testing with the most varied environments that we imagine would have existed on early Earth, unsuccessful. Rather it proved the theoretical and practical difficulties for the creation of life in any conditions.
It is clear that evolution is only activated when the fundamental building blocks, the molecular components of primitive species are in place, like a decorator can only work in a completed house, with the foundation, the bricks, the walls, stairs and the roof already built.
The most important parts of living things are too small to be seen. Molecules are responsible for those details. But why stop at the molecules? Why not go at the foundation of life, not to the molecules, but to the components of their atoms: protons and electrons, which generate forces acting on the biochemical interactions?
Certainly, modern theoretical physics is stuck, with his unsuccessful attempts to justify itself, developing indemonstrable theories which are increasingly disconnected from reality, causing as many questions as they attempt to explain. Expensive experimental setups have come to nothing and in my opinion, does not do so by a fundamental fact : we have encountered with realities beyond our imagination, with concepts such as the wave-particle duality, the profound nature of the mass-energy, infinity, the relativity of space and time, their nature, etc. These realities can be represented by our brain using signs, but not be understood by him. It's like to teach reading to a dog: is impossible. The alphabet is, and the dog sees but does not understand. Human beings see the universe but do not understand.
I propose the following and incredible hypothesis: Life is not only based on DNA and other molecules but primarily and essentially is based on the elementary particles which form atoms and molecules, which are in a sense alive. Just as men develop buildings, products, machinery, etc. elementary particles that form matter: electrons, hadrons, etc..of which the profound nature is unknown , these particles , whatever they are, are as alive as a DNA molecule or a eukaryotic cell, and have spontaneous tendency in the universe to form larger structures such as atoms, complex molecules and living things. Only in certain favorable environments , which they perceive, they choose to be atoms and organic macromolecular aggregates, which are the components of what we know as life, no need for that any external agent that promotes these aggregates, working these particles per se or through living beings, like us, that they create. This process is made even against the unfavorable energy gradients that they must overcome to form atoms and molecules, modifying the particles their force fields and orbitals at will. I do not know in what form and what mechanisms leads the particles, under certain conditions, to form atomic and molecular links, and if they are aware of what they do, if they know what they do, or if they have will, intelligence and intercommunication of information, or it is an automatic growth that generates and moves the life, but that explains the existence and evolution of organic macromolecules .
Like prokaryotes can expect long time in the form of spores to awaken and grow when conditions are favorable, so elementary particles, in certain situations, such as a planet viable, they can begin to behave like living beings and generate atoms, molecules, complex molecular structures, enzymatic reactions, etc.. all simultaneously, without any biochemical evolution, which would be given only after the main macromolecules, biochemical reactions and cycles were self-constructed and operational.
Somewhere on Earth, a group of atoms or elementary particles chose to create life and began to aggregate against the energy gradient , to form the first organic molecules, through a perfectly clear plan, which continues perfecting over the eons with the environmental conditions, giving rise to the different biochemical pathways that occur in living beings with their known molecular complexity. This means that atomic particles can in these favorable conditions, which they perceive, modify the atomic orbitals at will, to permit chemical reactions, displacement of electrons and constructions of atoms, molecules and generation of biochemical cycles, overcoming the energy barriers that theoretically seem to prohibit certain reactions and displacements. Like the electron wave describes orbits around the core, under certain conditions may describe other orbits at will, which can lead them to overlap with other atoms and neighboring cores, releasing at will, as individual entities, the electrostatic attractions that hold them together in normal conditions. Also in these cores the protons and neutrons can increase or decrease the number and composition of its constituent particles to form new elements, simply moving its components, without the intervention of the forces that normally hold them together and stable, which are not emerging as usual during these mutations. Maybe they can manipulate its wave character, its quantum superposition, and use the margin of uncertainty of their wave functions, generating links and reactions theoretically impossible, controlling its position in space and time, changing their charges, and causing not usual and nonlinear reactions. For instance, they may be able to form peptide bonds in presence of water, deforming the electronic orbitals of aminoacids and water molecules to prevent their contact, long enough for create the links and hide inside the chain in formation, building all links of the chain simultaneously, in a nonlinear process.
It is remarkable that the forces of nature have all a very important coincidence: they serve to hold together the elementary particles from which they emanate. It is the mechanism that these particles have to stay together and not dissolve into the vastness of space. Elementary particles are gregarious, do not like to be alone and generate force fields to prevent spreading. As a human being can control his weight and the force of his muscles, so elementary particles could control somehow their masses and choose the intensity of the forces that they generate, finely adjusting them, in order to form the molecular structures.
Would not that be an explanation of the Anthropic Principle?
As we have no idea what is really an electron or any other elementary particle, in principle I can not find objection to the viability of these hypotheses. In terms of energy and thermodynamics: organisms must obey the laws of thermodynamics and the constancy of energy, but at the quantum level it is less clear and there is an inherent uncertainty in the wave character, which can be exploited by the elementary particles. So the elementary particles: electrons, protons, etc.. are independent entities whose behavior under certain conditions respect the laws of energy that we know usually, but sometimes can obviate these force fields and, in some way, modify the atoms and molecules, to build macromolecules and living things.
There is the certainty that the large macromolecules are the basic bricks of life: for example, nucleic acids, proteins, etc. .. is only a matter of giving a step further and consider that the atoms that compose macromolecules and their constituent elementary particles are the roots of life, behaving in certain circumstances like autonomous and individual entities, which perceiving the surrounding environment.
Remember that we communicate by fields created by electric charges in motion, I see no reason they could not communicate with each other using these same fields. This intelligent behavior of elementary particles could explain the two-slit experiment when a particle choose to behave as wave or particle.
Furthermore, the particles have clearly chosen at least two other times:
1) Choosing to be matter and not antimatter. So the tribe of particles was homogenized changing their charges. Then the Particles are not in danger of disappearing in a burst of photons. In a sense, they do not like antimatter. Are racist in this regard. It could be tested experimentally whether newly created antimatter is stable or change to matter. This would cause the matter-antimatter asymmetry detected in experiments.
2) Choosing the chirality of organic molecules, as we choose in our cities if the traffic has to go right or left.
This hypothesis also explains the existence of living organisms with a biochemistry not based on nucleic acids, or too small to support the machinery of replication required, as nanobes . It is possible that this kind of life without DNA exists and it is much more abundant than we know, not having been detected by its small size.
Would also explain the evolutionary puzzle of heavy atoms at the centers of large enzymatic macromolecules, and the incorporation of inorganic crystals, such as magnetite, in living beings. It removes the boundary between the organic and inorganic.
Using another analogy, elementary particles could choose between working in a primary sector such as energy production in the center of a sun, or in a service sector, forming the constituent macromolecules of life.
In our brains, who thinks? : our neurons or the elementary particles that form them?
It would be interesting that in the end was true the theory of spontaneous generation and that life arises spontaneously from the matter because the germ is already in the particles that form atoms.
Finally note that if this hypothesis were true, it would expand the range of temperatures and environments in which we can expect to find life, and this life could take other forms than those based on carbon and water, and also, if there is any possibility to have life, organic o not, in an environment, then this life would be always present, because the elementary particles like to form larger structures always that it is possible. So any planet o satellite whit a given composition and a certain temperature range, less constrained than previously thought, compatible with life, must have life always.
Ernesto Rubio Velasco 2011
Has been observed that the gravitational force is insufficient to support the stability of the galaxies and to prevent that galaxies dissolve in the space, for which has been postulated the existence of undetectable dark matter which gravitational attraction added to that of the visible matter would allow the stability of the galaxies. But any dark matter had been detected, any type of dark matter. It is evident that dark matter does not exist and, in my opinion, happens that the gravitational constant changes from a place to another one, because the elementary particles are capable of changing his mass-energy and consequently, the gravity that they generate, to achieve that the galaxies remain stable and are not dissolved. Therefore I postulate that the constant of the gravity is not constant in the Universe, because the elementary particles that generate the mass-energy, have the aptitude to change the same one and consequently, the gravitational force.
Ernesto Rubio Velasco 2018


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